In the aftermath of 2020 will come great opportunity (for the optimists out there).
For those who have been sitting on the sidelines in major metropolitan areas waiting for prices to drop, this could be your chance to make a move to secure new space in a shopping center that s now vacant. And for those in retail, this might be an ideal time to find space for your next location.
Vacant space to fill?
Want to close deals faster in 2021?
You need Void Analysis, SiteSeer Professional s tool that helps retail and service clients identify tenants that are the right fit for their shopping centers.
Here s how SiteSeer s Void Analysis will help you identify chains absent from a trade area plus much more:
- By helping you evaluate and prioritize opportunities comparing your site to others. Void Analysis helps you look beyond where the prospective chain typically operates locations.
- By looking to more than demographics Void Analysis reports identify tenants that are a great match for your shopping center based on demographics, lifestyle segmentation, proximity to retail and other attributes specific to the prospective chain.
- By helping you recruit high-quality tenants Void Analysis gives you much deeper market intelligence, so you can recruit the best tenants, not just some that would work. This means lower turnover and happier clients.
- By considering locations that weren t on your radar previously This is especially important in 2021 as retailers recover from the COVID market. Some might have closed in 2020 and are now eyeing new areas that you were unaware of. Void Analysis will give you new ideas for that prospect list. Subscribers to ChainXY data (through SiteSeer and Void Analysis) will gain access to over 5,500 chains! Every chain in the ChainXY dataset is updated every month.
- By identifying good cotenants Void Analysis can tell you what types of businesses frequently complement one another and what anchors bring traffic to shopping centers. If you have an anchor in place, Void Analysis will help you evaluate how often that anchor co-locates with certain types of businesses.
- By enhancing your efficiency Stop wasting your efforts. With Void Analysis, you can narrow prospects based on the requirements of different shopping centers. No more wasting time going after tenants that would never consider the spaces in that center anyway.
This year, gain a big advantage over your competition.
You bring a lot of knowledge and experience to the table, and you probably know your market well. There is no replacing that insight, but a tool like Void Analysis gives you an advantage over your competition. If you re recruiting retailers, Void Analysis gives you so much more than a typical recruitment package. You ll get site packets that include market data, site match scores, consumer spending, and demographics in a trade area.
Call us about unlimited Void Analysis reports in 2021.
Prepare for the rapidly changing leasing and development landscape. Buy one-off reports for now or purchase a SiteSeer Professional package for unlimited Void Analysis reports!
Contact us for a demo of SiteSeer Professional and Void Analysis!