We re always working to make SiteSeer the best it can be, and we re excited to announce a few new features in the platform. These upgrades and enhancements are intended to make SiteSeer easier to use, more intuitive and better overall. Let s take a look at what s new and improved in SiteSeer Pro.
Void Analysis Grade Filter
Void Analysis Pro by SiteSeer allows users to specify the types of tenants they are looking for, then return the top matches. Users can choose from type of tenant, square footage, shopping center type, size of the chain and more. Upon popular request, we have added a new filter to Void Analysis that allows users to only return matches that meet their match score threshold. Only want to see tenants with a match score of A or B ? Now you can.
Scorecard Builder: Calculate Ranges
SiteSeer s Model Builder allows advanced users to create their own site scorecards, checklists and analog models. Arguably the biggest challenge in building a Scorecard is determining the range of scoring for each variable. Should an A grade be 60,000+ households or 100,000+ households? Typically, building scorecards requires extensive trial-and-error to find the best ranges for each score.
With the latest update to Model Builder, SiteSeer has introduced a calculate option that makes determining the appropriate scoring breaks easier. On the Scoring screen, simply click the Calculate button next to each variable or the Calculate All option to let the software analyze your data and suggest ranges. If you have a Stores layer, Calculate will evaluate your locations to find the typical range of values. For those without a Stores layer, Calculate will look at random business and retail locations to find these ranges.
Night Map Style
SiteSeer has long allowed users to change the style of the map to meet individual needs or preferences. Recently a new Night map style was added for those that prefer a dark mode experience. To change your map style, click on the Account menu in the upper-righthand corner, choose Settings, and scroll down to map styles. Then choose Night from the drop-down menu or any of the several available map styles. (Available with Google maps)
INRIX Traffic Count Improvements
Instructing a model to choose the correct traffic count for a site is a long-standing challenge. Although user judgment is often necessary and SiteSeer allows users to update a system-generated traffic volume, we are making strides to improve how the software chooses a traffic count for a site. Previously, when choosing the nearest or highest traffic count in the vicinity, the software used the traffic count location, i.e., its latitude/longitude.
Since a site could be anywhere along the road segment, this led to the system sometimes choosing a traffic count that was nearest the site, but not what a user would feel is the best traffic count for the site. With the latest update, traffic counts are now applied to the entire road segment, rather than a single point. Now, regardless of where a site is found along a road segment, it is likely that the site will be associated with the road.
Data Queries: Census Tracts
Found on the Reports menu, SiteSeer s Data Queries allow users to extract data from SiteSeer for further analysis outside the software. In addition to summarizing data like population in your store s trade areas, or distance to nearest competitor, queries also allow you to summarize data by geographies for example, population by ZIP Code, or append geographies such as the market (CBSA/DMA) name to your stores.
SiteSeer has received numerous requests to add Census Blockgroup to the available geographies, but due to data licensing agreements we are unable to do so. However, we have recently added Census Tracts and will be adding the new Census geographies releasing later this year.
Model Builder Help Videos
Need more guidance on how to use Model Builder? We ve updated our Model Builder: Scorecards and Model Builder: Hot Spots. Check them out!
Have requests for updates or changes to the SiteSeer platform? Want to know what we have in store for future updates? Contact our support team!