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An important update for our SiteSeer Pro users.

Our semi-annual update of U.S. population data is now complete. Our demographic data partner, Synergos Technologies, Inc. (STI) is the creator of STI: PopStats data. PopStats includes current quarter and eight previous quarters of population data in every release, as well as other critical trending data.

We ve updated Q2 2022 data in SiteSeer, which affects all subscribers on a semi-annual update plan. This does not affect annual PopStats data subscribers, as those data updates are made in January (next one: January 2023).

This includes updates to all STI products:

  • STI: PopStats Demographic data with accurate population estimates
  • STI: LandScape Lifestyle Segmentation psychographic dataset with 72 lifestyle segments to create customer profiles
  • STI: WorkPlace Business counts and employee counts

Drive Time Engine Also Updated

This month, we have also updated our drive time engine. Drive time calculations in SiteSeer are provided by Freeway, a third-party plugin by partner Applied Spatial Technology. These updates ensure that your drive-time trade areas and calculations are as accurate as possible, by reflecting new roadways and changes in average time between locations.

As you know, drive time is a measure of travel, typically in minutes driven by car or bicycle, or walked, and a drive-time boundary determines the travel time from a site to points in all directions. So, whatever drive time you choose from your site, SiteSeer will simulate travel outward along all roads until it reaches the number of minutes you selected. Those points connect to create a drive-time boundary or trade area.

Unlike distance calculations and trade areas, where a three-mile trade area is always a three-mile trade area, drive time varies greatly. What might take five minutes in the middle of the day might take 15 minutes at rush hour. Thus, we supply three different calculations: light, moderate, and heavy. For most users, moderate traffic is the default in SiteSeer and will provide a reasonable estimation for all but the lightest and heaviest traffic of the day.

PopStats Updates Provide Accurate, Current Population Data

SiteSeer subscribers to PopStats data need to capture real population growth as it occurs. This is important for forecasting, identifying growth trends, planning markets and so much more. It helps you as a retailer, chain business, developer or broker understand your customers and clients: where they live, where they work, where they travel and more.

Learn More About SiteSeer Data Sources

SiteSeer has access to many data sources. Our tool is data neutral and can work with any data you like or offer a suggestion.

Contact us to learn more about our data sources or the latest PopStats update!

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