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shutterstock_1703167870Anyone who uses SiteSeer (or is familiar with our software) probably knows that we have partnerships with many different data providers. Whatever your analytics needs, if you want third-party data, SiteSeer can connect you with whatever data you are looking for.

Most retailers and other chain businesses expect that SiteSeer provides demographic data and traffic counts data, but there are other data types you might not have realized are available to you. Here are a few:

Parcel/cadastral/land use data

We partner with REPORT ALL USA, which covers more than 150 million parcels in over 3,021 U.S. counties. It allows users to find ownership details, size information, and more about land parcels around the country. We also partner with OpenStreetMap, which is open data that anyone can contribute to. This makes for better local knowledge. Contributors use GPS devices, aerial imagery and low-tech field maps to verify the data is up to date.

Opportunity zone data

SiteSeer Pro real estate users might not realize that they have free access to a wide variety of real estate development data, including data about qualified Opportunity Zones. Opportunity zones are areas where developers are incentivized to invest (often in economically distressed, low-income areas in major metropolitan areas across the U.S.)

Opportunity zones are nominated by the state and are intended to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities.

Lifestyle, spending and psychographic data

SiteSeer users have access to a wide variety of consumer data sources from providers such as Synergos Technologies, MRI-Simmons and Claritas. Go beyond demographics to understand the interests and behaviors of your consumers and how they spend their money.

SiteSeer is data agnostic to meet your needs

A reminder that SiteSeer is data agnostic and capable of powering SiteSeer Pro with any data source you choose. We do partner with many different data companies, however, and can certainly help you connect with those sources, whatever your analytics needs are.

Remember that your analysis efforts are only as good as the data behind them. If you need help selecting data or have questions about how to find the type of data you re looking for, contact us. Like all things with SiteSeer, we try to make the data selection process simple. Reach us at (866) 524-2804.

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